Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Temptations

I have been running around more than usual lately getting ready for an audition. Saturday was the big day. My friend and I walked out of the audition, and down to the end of the block where I raised my nose in the air and said, "Is that fried clams?"

I guess with all of the pressure off my mind could return to simpler things -- What's cookin'? Things have never smelled as good as they have in the past few weeks. My sense of smell may have become stronger, if that's possible. I can smell bacon from at least 100 yards. Garlic, garlic can stop me in my tracks. In the past few weeks, I have spoon fed an adult chocolate cake, just so I could smell it. I have given over to my sense of smell.

Thankfully, we don't watch anything in Smell-e-vision. When you're not eating, you start to realize just how much food is on TV. Commericials aren't even the tip of the iceberg (lettuce with blue cheese).  How many times to characters eat? LOST had whole episodes about food, but at least they thought they might starve until they the Dharma stash. And I consume enough mango to not be jealous of John Locke. But seriously, I'm about to write the Writers Union to complain about contrived reasons for characters leaving a room. They never have a character leave the room to pee, but they're always going for coffee. Where do they think all this coffee is going to go? And these 95 lbs women eating pie and donuts -- please! They never give these women opportunity to go to the bathroom to vomit them up, as they obviously don't digest them.

As much as I follow my nose these days, there is little I smell that I would actually eat if given the option having chosen to remain vegan. Being vegan is definitely limiting, but I find I feel better so it's a small price to pay. The number of unlikely vegans joining my ranks keeps on growing. Learning that Bill Clinton had gone vegan to repair his health was a shock, but not half as unexpected as learning that Mike Tyson has gone vegan. (I'm sure Holyfield wishes he had gone vegan much sooner.) You can picture Cindy Crawford eating a raw diet, but Tyson dropping 100 lbs (to 250) by becoming vegan seems almost unimaginable. But even more against type, Tyson while reducing weight has maintained muscle.

I have been able to give in to one temptation. Something I fondly called "Crack in a Cup" while consuming. I found a vegan Peanut Butter Smoothy. It was 20 oz of pure bliss. It was peanut butter, flax seed and almond milk, and it was just what the doctor ordered.

Daily Breakdown: Friday
JuicesConsumed: Spinach/Papaya/Pineapple/Banana/Cantaloupe/Carrot; Berry/Beet from Jamba; Hawaiian Harvest; Vega/Water/Banana
Weight Loss:  0.5 lb (Juice Feast Total: 13.5 lbs)

Bodily Functions:  Normal
Exercise: Spin Class and crunches

Daily Breakdown: Saturday
JuicesConsumed: Kale/Pear/Cantaloupe/Mango/Carrot; Vega/Water/Banana; Peanut Butter Smoothy from the Gods!
Weight Loss:  0 lb (Juice Feast Total: 13.5 lbs)

Bodily Functions:  Normal
Exercise: Zumba!!!

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