Tuesday, March 8, 2011

In the beginning . . .

From March 9th through April 18th, I will be on a 40 day juice feast. Each day, I will report on what I'm juicing, what's going on with my body, how I'm feeling and whatever other ramblings come to mind. I'll include any of the websites/books I've found useful as I try to cleanse my system safely. I know what I'm doing isn't for everyone, but if you're at all curious, you can follow my story here. . .

In the beginning
Anything is possible.
I'm in the Middle
Knowing neither the Beginning nor the End.

I always loved that line.

Last year, when my mother was diagnosed with cancer I found myself feeling very helpless. While I may be particular, I don't believe I'm too much of a control freak. (Okay, maybe a little.) But when faced with something I could in no way, shape or form control, I tried my best to control everything else.

I read a lot of literature on holistic remedies for cancer. My mother was beginning chemo, but I felt like there was more she could do -- chemo being something doctors do to you as opposed to something you do. (Believe me, I am not making light of what a person and a family goes through when taking chemo. It's epic. But in the battle against cancer, everyone must be willing to fight at 200%. It takes everything you have, and then some.) On top cancer, which in the early weeks was generalized, my mom is Type 2 Diabetic, so my thought was that anything that could make her healthier couldn't be bad. But I also knew that the changes I was asking her to make overnight were enormous.

In order to gain back some of the control I felt I was lacking in my universe, and so my mother wouldn't have to go it alone, I launched a 30 day juice feast. (I was only asking her to do 3 days, and then make diet changes.) For 30 days, I would have nothing but fruit and vegetable juice in whatever quantity I would like. That meant cutting out: solid food, dairy, coffee/caffeine, alcohol and sugar. And I did it. I dropped 24 lbs in 30 days, only putting 5 back on when I went back on solids. Having been a lacto-ovarian vegetarian for 25 years, I decided to not put the dairy back in my diet and remain vegan. (I love cheese and yogurt, and I tried to put it back, but I felt miserable.) I also never put coffee back in my diet. (I had Earl Grey tea one afternoon, and was a psycho-bitch the rest of the day, so for the safety of all concerned, I've stayed off the caffeine.)

And my mom . . . she did 8 rounds of chemo, and a radiowave ablation on her kidney. She drinks crazy tea from an herbalist that's supposed to be a Native American remedy for cancer. And while not officially in remission, she has not needed a treatment since October. He weight is down, her Type 2 is better requiring less medication and she has sassy short hair. We're planning a trip to Tuscany this Fall.

The most important lesson I learned was that anything can be possible. I would have never thought in a million years that I could fast for more than 5 days, or that I could run a half marathon or that there would ever be a good enough reason to have a colonic, but in 2010, I did it all. Like Charlie Sheen said, "Nike's slogan isn't 'Just try it'."

So, why juice again if I don't need to? Because as hard as it was, I felt great! My skin was clear, my hair was thicker, I slept better, and my allergies were almost completely wiped out. Why do 10 days longer than last time? Well, Lent is 40 days, so I figured it was just easier to line the two up. Last year, I gave up cursing for Lent, and charged myself a dollar for curse words. At the end, I sent $75 to charity. Is it safe? People can go on Juice Feast for as few as 3 days or as many as 90 days. As long as you are getting yourself enough nutrients and calories, you should be able to stay on the fast without becoming weak. http://www.juicefeasting.com/Home/tabid/36/Default.aspx

Tonight, for my last supper, I'll enjoy guacamole and margaritas because tomorrow I juice.

Enjoy Mardi Gras!

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