Monday, March 28, 2011

Hump Day!

Today is Hump Day, Day 20, the official midway point! And I couldn't be more thrilled, if you couldn't tell. Last year, I only did 30 days, so by Day 20 the count down was in full force and I was sifting through menus trying to pick out my first meal. While I still have 20 days to go this year, I reserve looking at menus until I'm 3/4 through so I'm not completely obsessive about it.

Things have been going well, and I'm feeling good. I took care of myself this weekend, and went for a massage and a facial. I don't get facials very often, and I never wax my eyebrows, but I was going for the whole cleanse, and it seemed like the thing to do. Ouch. I looked like a boxer after the fight. The losing boxer at that. I woke up the next morning looking the same way as well! I'm definitely cleaner, but who wouldn't be losing a layer of skin. Women, how do you wax and pluck on a regular basis? I'm just a wimp, I'm afraid. The spa I went to had a whirl pool and saunas to relax in prior to the treaments, and you could even get smacked around with oak leaves if you so chose. I did not. The sauna was a bit too much for me, and I only lasted a few minutes before sitting in a deck chair and chilling out.

Just under 3 weeks to go, and I must admit to being much more nervous about the show I'm working on than 21 days of juice. The show is deeply personal, and reveals more than I ever have in a truly public setting. I know . . . how can a woman who makes some mention about her bodily functions on a daily basis be concerned with revealing something? But I think we all keep secrets on some level. We may have done nothing wrong, but still ashamed and afraid to be judged. Writing a blog, you are at least one step removed from judgement. For one, you have no idea if anyone really reads the silly thing, so you can blather on about anything without much hesitation. But theatre, small theatre, you are 100% certain who is listerning to you and who is not. You see people look away, nod off, breast feed. You see people become engaged or look at their watches. It's like hanging your underwear out to dry in Central Park.

And what do you do with a secret you've held on to for 20 years once it becomes public knowledge? Am I letting go of an unnecessary burden?

Daily Breakdown: Sunday
JuicesConsumed: Kale/Orange/Cantaloupe/Pineapple/Carrot/Banana/Strawberry; Vega/Water/Banana; Kale/Celery/Cantaloupe/Pineapple/Carrot/Banana/Strawberry/1/2 Apple
Weight Loss:  0 lb (Juice Feast Total: 13.5 lbs)

Bodily Functions:  Normal
Exercise: Walk in the park -- literally.

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