Monday, April 4, 2011

Been a Busy Bee!!!

Mum has been in town, so I've had no time to check in! I'm happy to report she had a great trip! Dinners out, theatre, music and a walk in the park. I almost got her to Zumba, but I was the only one up early enough that morning!

While at dinner with my mum, and I was doing my normal smelling routine, she offered me a sniff of her wine. I have to admit, I had absolutely no interest in it. I know that the wine she was drinking was good, but to me, the smell was a complete turn off. Yes, that's correct! I had no interest in alcohol. I guess with all the living juice I've been having, rejecting something fermented isn't so strange.  But having a Virgin Bloody Mary at brunch on Saturday sounded like a big treat! I love spicy food, so after almost a month of juicing, spicy sounded just great. And it was . . . for a while. If you ever want to speed clean your system, juice for a few days and then throw back some spices. OMG! Had there been more in my system, this could have been devastating. Thankfully, tragedy was averted.

I have not had a dip in energy, and I'm feeling great. Two weeks from today, I can start eating solids again. Crazy right!?! Only 2 weeks left! I've done 26 days on juice so far. Over the weekend, a friend mentioned someone doing a documentary on juicing for 60 days. I have not yet seen it myself, but here's an article on it: And here is a small excerpt:
       Cross did a straight 60-day juice fast to give his body the opportunity to change and heal. “There is something very powerful about setting a goal and achieving it,” he says. “I went from a size 44 jeans to a size 36 jeans over the space of eight weeks.”
Not only did Cross drop weight—100 pounds to be exact—he no longer needs to take pills because he no longer suffers from his autoimmune disease.
“I’m not saying I’m cured,” he says. “What I am doing and what I think many of us can do, is manage our illnesses or our symptoms with fruits and vegetables.” 

I think it's amazing that he was willing to jump into the unknown to try to heal himself. I hear more and more of these stories all the time, and I don't know why doctors don't recommend diet changes more. Why are there pills for everything when we can try to just eat better?

Daily Breakdown: Friday
JuicesConsumed: Aveda Tea; Acai for Me, Vega/Water/Banana
Weight Loss:  0 lb (Juice Feast Total: 14.5 lbs)

Bodily Functions:  Normal
Exercise: Burn and Firm Pilates
Daily Breakdown: Saturday
JuicesConsumed: 3 Virgin Bloody Marys (Just could bring myself to call them "Virgin Marys";  Vega/Water/Banana; Honey Lemon Tea
Weight Loss:  -.5 lb (Juice Feast Total: 14 lbs)

Bodily Functions:  Um . . . not so normal. I guess the spices go to me, let's say.
Exercise: Zumba
Daily Breakdown: Sunday
JuicesConsumed: Litchi Juice; Cantaloupe/Spinach/Celery/Carrot/Apple/Ginger, Vega/Water/Banana
Weight Loss:  -1 lb (Juice Feast Total: 13 lbs)

Bodily Functions:  Not so normal still. I don't know if it was the Litchi juice, or just a combination of things, but I had to take a gas tablet just to get to bed last night. It was a chewable, so it felt like a bit of a cheap, but was a total necessity!
Exercise: Nap!!!

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