I'm baaaaaack!
My 40 day juice feast has come to an end. I still started the morning off with juice, waiting until lunch for solid food. My juice this morning was fresh canatloupe, green beans, ginger, apple, carrot, banana and lemon. I'd run out of Kale and Spinach, so I needed to make do in the green department. I also prepped a Vega shake for my dinner during rehearsal tonight. I definitely can't just jump back into 3 meals/day. I think one/day plus juice is a better transition, and there are a lot of things I'll need to keep out of my diet for a while if not forever.
On the Never List: Meat, Poultry, Pork, Fish. To be fair, these items were already there. Haven't had a one of them in 25 years.
On the Next to Never List: Dairy Products, Eggs, Processed Foods, White Flour/Sugar. I have felt so much better having removed dairy from my diet for a year. I did experiment with it, but never successfully. I had cheese and broke out within a couple of hours. My doctor suggested that I may have a reaction to cow dairy, but not to sheep or goat dairy. That has yet to be seen, but I may investigate it at some point. I never incorporated eggs back into my diet. We just didn't have a need for one another. I did have a slice of my mother's no-where-near-vegan birthday cake last year, after I was told it would be bad luck not to. Let me just put it this way -- I may like cocaine too, but it doesn't mean I'm going to have it. Nothing beats a boiled cream, Italian Birthday cake. And maybe that will be my one big splurge every year, but the Vegan birthday cake I got for my birthday was just as yummy, and just as big of a treat!
On the Need to Have More Of: Raw Veggies, Nuts, Wheatgrass Juice, Sprouts. Now that I've returned to the land of the eating, I can't lose what has been working all through the juice feast, and what will make staying healthy easier. Wheatgrass juice is my espresso. Eating raw is great for your body, and sprouts are a great living food. And we all know how much I've missed peanut butter!
When I got on the scale this morning, I was 155. Up a pound from 2 days ago, but I am PMSing, so that could play a role in the holding on to water department. That means that my weight loss for the 40 days totaled up to 18.5 lbs. I will continue to mark down what I consume every day. It will help me keep track of what works for me and what doesn't. I will still juice and have Vega shakes every day. (Don't fix what ain't broken!) In a week's time, I will check back in and let you know how incorporating foods back into my diet is going. In the meanwhile, Happy Passover & Happy Easter!
Thank you all for taking this journey with me. Oh, and if any of you decide to try this, let me know!!!
Ciao for now,
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