Okay, if I'm cleaning out the inside, I'd better clean out the outside too!
I started Spring Cleaning when I got home from work last night, and boy, was I a grump about it. I desperately needed to move the bedroom furniture and banish the dust bunnies, but my heart wasn't in it. I did it, begrudgingly, but I did it. It's amazing what even the best vacuum misses. This morning, I must admit to feeling a bit brighter knowing the dirt was gone. And i'm sure my sinuses will appreciate the effort.
But it made my think that maybe I should be doing more for my insides. I haven't gotten my wheatgrass growing like I'd intended. I am consuming protein which is very different to last year's cleanse, and I'm wondering what effect that is having. (It's green pea protein, but protein nonetheless.) Should I be trying to be more aggressive about cleansing?
I started Spring Cleaning when I got home from work last night, and boy, was I a grump about it. I desperately needed to move the bedroom furniture and banish the dust bunnies, but my heart wasn't in it. I did it, begrudgingly, but I did it. It's amazing what even the best vacuum misses. This morning, I must admit to feeling a bit brighter knowing the dirt was gone. And i'm sure my sinuses will appreciate the effort.
But it made my think that maybe I should be doing more for my insides. I haven't gotten my wheatgrass growing like I'd intended. I am consuming protein which is very different to last year's cleanse, and I'm wondering what effect that is having. (It's green pea protein, but protein nonetheless.) Should I be trying to be more aggressive about cleansing?
Daily Breakdown: MondayJuicesConsumed: Spinach/1/2 Apple/Cantaloupe/Pineapple/Carrot/Banana/Strawberry; Vega/Water/Banana; Peanut Butter Smoothie
Weight Loss: -1 lb (Juice Feast Total: 12.5 lbs)
Bodily Functions: Normal
Bodily Functions: Normal
Exercise: Nope
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