Saturday, March 12, 2011

And the beat goes on . . .

Well, all of the BS Layer has definitely been stripped away. I haven't lost my patience completely. Small children and animals are safe.

Kidding aside, it really wasn't that bad a day. I got up, juiced, wrote, headed out to get an audition slot, went to work, went to the gym, back to work, off to the audition, back to work, off to rehearse and home. The only one who really suffered yesterday is the office beta fish. I really should have cleaned his bowl yesterday, but I would have rather plucked my eyelashes out. Now, I'm feeling guilty, like I should head into the office just to clean out his 8 gallon condo. (Yes, we have 1 beta in an 8 gallon tank. He has more real estate in NYC for his size than Trump.)

Working out wasn't any harder than usual really except I had a hard time focusing. I chose a spin class as it would require less coordination than most classes I take, and well, I've fallen off a treadmill on a good day. (I can watch the treadmill Ok Go video with pure fascination over and over again. )

What is now guiding my need to consume something isn't hunger. I don't feel hungry anymore. I start to feel tense. Unprovoked tension. Then I realize, I need some juice. I don't wake up starving, and my stomach isn't growling. My stomach is basically on vacation.I have removed 90% of its workload. 

The diet I most admire, but find difficult to follow -- not for practical reasons, but because I like tortilla chips and margaritas -- is The Hippocrates Diet, The modern system was restarted by Ann Wigmore who had a center in Boston in the 70's At the institute, she taught people to eat differently to cure their health problems by diet alone. She was famous for taking her guests' food and throwing it in a blender -- if you're not going to chew it enough, you're not going to get enough out of it. Her diet isn't about juicing per se, but raw foods and drinking wheatgrass juice. 

I had been growing wheatgrass for the better part of a year, which is MUCH cheaper than buying it, but when I lost my office garden I lost my crop. So, the goal for this weekend is to figure out where to grow my green gold.

Daily Breakdown:
Juices Consumed:  Banana/Celery/Carrot/Spinach/Strawberry/Papaya; Hawaiian Something or Other from Crunch, Pineapple, Coconut . . .; Celery/Banana/Spinach//Tangerine/Papaya; Mango/Pear

Weight Loss:  1.5 lbs (Juice Feast Total: 6.5 lbs)

Bodily Functions:  Urinating more but that comes with more fluids. Pooing resumed

Exercise: Okay, I got off my fat butt and went to Spin Class. I have to admit that I was a bit unfocused in class, and I'm not sure if that is a result of my state or the substitute teacher who just wasn't doing it for me. (Lovely woman though.)

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